I went out for Moms Mexican Margarita Movie night with friends in my neighborhood last night. It is so great to get out with girlfriends and cut-up. We had such a blast that we forgot the movie. I looked at my watch and it was 10 minutes past the start time. Oh well, it is more about the company than the movie.

As the conversation went on we were talking about another neighbor who wasn't there (yes I know not very nice, I blame the margaritas) and neighbor N said, "Well, their 6 year old daughter still sleeps with them."

As I was driving home, neighbor T was riding with me and she confessed to me that her son who is 5 still sleeps with her and her husband. I told her I was so glad she told me because my son too sleeps with us.

Yes, I know there are those of you out there who are thinking: What are they thinking????? Well it isn't exactly something planned. When he was an infant Sweet Boy had severe colic for 6-7 months. As a working mom I did what I had to in order to get some sleep. So he slept on my chest. We transitioned his to his bed and shortly after his first birthday we moved. The new house freaked him out - big time. So to bed with us he went.

We've tried from time to time to get him to sleep in his bed, and then I run out of steam and cave. And truth be known, now I've gotten used to him being there. It is so wonderful to snuggle and kiss his sweet cheeks. Time is going so fast. Soon he won't snuggle with mommy. So I have to take advantage of it now.

My point to this post is neighbor T and I were both ashamed to admit in front of the rest that our children sleep with us. There is one thing I have learned as a parent those thing I said I would never do prior to having a child (like having one sleep with me), I now do. And I don't criticize other parent's parenting. So why am I ashamed to admit this? Fear of being judged?

When I got home Sweet Boy comes running to give me hugs and kisses and tell me he missed me. So wonderful. He then said lets go to your car. When I asked him why we needed to, he told me to get the groceries. How sad is my life that the only place my son thinks I go is the grocery store?????


  1. Anonymous on March 22, 2010 at 2:44 PM

    Thanks for the comment on my blog! I love your dirty little secret! I can't wait to read more of your posts. I bet we do have lots in common! I'm so glad you made the time to connect!

  2. Kristen on March 24, 2010 at 11:09 AM

    Thanks for commenting on my blog!

    I am anti-child sleeping in bed...but I don't judge others for it!

    I look forward to reading more of your posts!


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